Thursday, October 29, 2009


Ergh, another LONG thursday night...I hate Thursday night trading....boring and long and well im to fucking old to stand on my tired old feet allllll day yeukkkk... hating.

anyway not to worry, I'll try not to complain as there is nothing wrong with me or my children and I have a roof, food and clothes for trying to remember that as there are so many unfortunate people out the other week a boy of 18, hung hhimself as his life was perfect to the outside world... I feel for his mum, oh how she must be feeling....anyway enough of that. Im thankful is all im saying...

So I did barrel curls to day and lots of haircuts. short back and sides, Im getting really good at them now and I still get all freaked out when a guy walks in and Ide rather go and hide out the back till one of the other girls does it but no, I am pushed all the time, which is good as thats what I need as Im a chicken with no confidence....HA! I'll get over it?? I was really scared whn I first started cutting mens hair and I'' be like that till I learn it all, then I'll still have to learn never know it all in hairdressing I dont think, things chage all the time...

Oh and I still cant work out how to cross things off when I type....anyone??you know how you put a line thru but can still read it??

frustrated much!!!

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