Thursday, January 7, 2010

small loss

LOL, I cant do my maths...hehe I weigh 72.5 now, I thought it was 800gm but its 700gms, all good a loss is a loss and Im happy, will be well on my way back into the 60 in no time!!

One of the girls has gone on 2.5 weeks holiday and Ive told her I will be thinner when she gets back..she has been losing weight with the Tony Ferguson diet and she is down bloody 10kilos!! she is doing so well, shrinking down each week. Si even if I aim for 2 kilos by the time she gets back...we'll see.

Not much else to report...boring hey!!


  1. well done on the loss hun, now just keep at it and the kg's will melt away xx

    Erica x

  2. opps sorry that previous comment was me Em, Corey had been checking his email and hadnt signed out lol
