Monday, May 10, 2010

did my sewing, but they were to big and I had to put elastic in the waistband, which still worked so that was sucked, but hey...who cares..i have a lot more unhappiness to worry about weight...i will still behave but I think Im finally working it out

1 I dont like my situation
I dont like my job as Im to scared to fuck hair up
I am not happy with my mothering skills...or lack of
I am not happy with my relationship statas...again soooo much more to that and I cant really say on here
I think Im simply so unhappy within everything i do I just hate such a shame, I try to be positive cause lets face it, Im healthy, thank the universe, my kids are all healthy, again, thank god...I really have NOTHing to be unhappy for...But I just am.....I lead such a double life, I pretend everyday..
anyway..enough of sure it wont be like this forever and I wont be in my situation forever....

back to work tomorow, our new senior comes in tomorow, this will be fun...i dont do well with change and stuff, she will be lovely Im sure.

I did a client on Sat, she had a cut, colour and 5 foils through the top...I did pretty good, she was happy so thats the main thing..

anyway 10.30pm...Im soooooo tired



  1. Em we only live once hun, take baby steps, start changing things, we all deserve to be happy. Sure lifes not all sunshine and roses but happiness should factor into it hun. Dont just exist, baby steps, small changes, get the happiness you deserve, it wont be easy, but then things that come easy arnt worth having (thats my motto) but it will be sooooo worth it when you get to the point where you are happy and content with your life sweets xxxx *hugs*

  2. I am on anit-depressants, shit they help a lot! Maybe you could try them? They certainly make one's day's seem a bit better when you are down in the dumps.

  3. thanks will get better...and again, i shouldnt complain as there are people out there a lot worse off.....

  4. hey this is YOUR blog hun, and your not complaining so much as working through your 'stuff' even if u r complaining, go for it, your blog, write whatever u want, it peobably helps to release it rather than keeping it all inside xxxx

  5. your right Erica...but I do feel bad as its not that bad.....well not in the big scheme of things only for me...I just think of so many more out there worse off....xx
