Sunday, June 13, 2010

weigh in

A loss is a loss I guess

400grams, not much but its something

Just did 15mins on my treadmill and will do another 15 tonight.

3.1kilos to go to my first goal.


Great day so far...have to get back on the treadmill later..i will..promise to myself.

food today
eggs and mushrooms with a slice of cheese mixed thru
herbal tea

chicken and vegie soup
diet yogurt

10 rice crackers

chicken and vegie stirfry..cant wait as Im a little hungry!!

coffee later.


I did the groceries so Im all stocked up on good foods, bought the new WW mag for inspiration so thats all good.

3.1 to go to my first goal...I can do it again I know it. Im uncomfy cause my clothes are smaller, so thats motivation there. once I get down to between 68-70 I will start weights again to.

I want to tone right up again and get back to the yummy mummy I was !!!!lmao

Oh and I joined the online dating thing yesterday and took it off this arvo...dont think Im quite ready yet:)

EXCELLENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I did another 15 mins on my tready...woot!!!

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