Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Bodytrim day 1

So, how easy is Bodytrim.

Todays food

2 eggs, scrambled with muchroom and onion
atkins protien bar
salad and tuna
green veg, green salad and 100gms chicken

Not hungry all day

Its easy enough to follow, boring I guess

I need to eat 6 meals a day
all protien
snacks are 50gm protien and meals are 100gms protien with salad and veg.

snacks are just protien, egg, ham, chicken you know, the usual.

Oh and min 10,000 steps a day. Im up to 9980.cool.

Im on a mission now, we are competing, the gal at work and me, she is 7o.9 i think so I have to beat her, she is fit though, she has been going to the gym for ages... Im just to fucking lazy.

Not good...but Im not complaining, or beating myself up:)

It'll happen when I want it to.


  1. yep ive heard good things about bodytrim, im sure u'll do great Em! n theres nothin like a lil friendly competition to get the kgs droppin lol.

    Hey, do u hear from Sigrid or Angelbuglet anymore (from the WW forums) was thinking about them 2day, not sure why they just popped into my head lol

  2. Hey Erica,

    No havent heard from either of them, shame really, I know Casey had another baby due last time she was around.

    Weightloss huh, its a bloody battle!!!! I Hvae to win though!!lol
