Wednesday, July 7, 2010



shit I have gone through some money on these holidays....

So my son is coming out tonight...well I hope, he was meant to come tues, then wed, so we'll see?? Im cooking his fave dinner...mac and thats good for me!!!! NOT!!! I will have anly a small amount with lots of brocholi
we had maccas for breaky so NO...i wont be ranting again.....

I made a jacket potatoe, with extra lite sour creme and bit of cheese and sweet chilli sauce for lunch
apple for arvo tea then dinner

then stuff meself again on that tready...30mins again, i might break it up into 15min slots though, i get very bored easily.

i hate food.
i love exercise.

So i havent heard from my date on Friday night...maybe he is not keen on going drama, Im going out with another one on sat night..hes a police officer, so this will be interesting!! lol

I tell these men im only after friendship for now...never know I may like someone eventually.

Cant stand my ex husband and its getting worse...hes a right fuckhead....losing his control, and boo hoo he doesnt like it...he came over the other day, with 6 beers. he proceeded to put them in the fridge and then drink 4 within 20mins...he wouldnt fucking go home, my friend came out to pick her daughter up and he still fucking hung round...i had to tell him I had to get organised for dinner,so he got the hint..then he tried to cuddle and kiss me!!! FUCK OFFF, serfously, how can they be so fucking stupid???????????????????????????????????

drives me the fuck i lasted so long with him is beyond me????????????????

still fat.....

1 comment:

  1. Still fat... YOU ARE NOT!

    Hope your son turns up, the little shit.

    You ex is a moron... why you even let him in the house is beyond me!

    YOu are too bloody nice.
