Friday, April 9, 2010

lovin it

Im loving that I havent gone off track once since I started on Tuesday, only 4 days I know, but good for me.

Im actually fighting being depressed about the way I look, its only been 4 days and I know its taken 18months to lose tone and pile the fat cells back on, but I just hate, hate, HATE, the way I look, plus its my bday soon and I think Im just depressed all round:(

I so wish I had someone to spend my life with, someone who genuinlly cared for me and was positive and just an all round great person...I think they are few and far between and I think that the few people who have that are extremely lucky.

I guess Ive hated myself and my situation for so long that this is just my lot and it wont change?

Anyway, nuff of that, dont need to bring myself down more..


Meal replace
coffee, Bbeans and 4 vita wheat
skim hot choc
chicken and vegies for dinner.

all good, Im not bored with it yet

If I exercised for an hour a day it would make a huge difference, but Im not, slowly does it there cause Im so unfit and hate exercise.. not good.....


  1. I hate exercise right now too... which is weird when I think of how much I used to do!
    Hang in there... your BMI is actually in the normal range ya know!

  2. i mowed today so that is my weekly am in weight range, but you know how ya just dont feel right? Im determined to get skinny and toned!!

    You used to do heaps to, I did to but once you get out of the habbit iys hard to get back there hey?

    battle on!hehe
