So it means 'believe', cause with everything that Im going throught with a lot of elements in my life I have to remind myself to not only 1, belive in myself, but 2 believe that there is light at the end of the tunnel, a couple of other things, but I'll keep them to myself:)
On another note, another blogger has pulled their blog again... so funny, this person cant keep up with their own lies...Ive been reading for a few years and i still cant believe the shit that it spins...no names, Im not that bitchy.
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, as of today I have lost 2.1 so far...awesome hey!!!!!!!!!! even eating that pizza last night I lost 600grams this morning... I am so please with myself, without being concieted you know what I mean, its taken a long time to get to this head space again.
Todays food
Meal replace
tuna and 4 vita wheats
almonds and apricots
b beans
chicken and greens
IM GUNNA GET SKINNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OOOO that does look swollen and sore! Nice though.