Sunday, June 20, 2010

weigh in

A GREAT start to my week that ended awfully!!!

71.3kgs!!!! yayayay1.8kg lost.. Now Im thinking that because I lost my appetite yesterday, that might have had a lot to do with it?? Doesnt matter, Im not having a free day today..I have a mission so I will stick to plan.

Food today
4 rice cakes with peanut butter
brocholi and pumpkin on a multigrain toast with weet chilli sauce.
plus a tea and coffee thrown in somewhere and a 30 min walk.

I did 30mins yesterday each time i was on the phone, so it wasnt a fast walk but I guess as long as Im moving its all good...I have pushed my training up a notch..not yet. Im still unfit so it should be fine for a little bit yet.

I didnt sleep very well last night..just things going through my mind with my ex husband I think.. Seems he can easily move on, and its like the last 8 years have meant nothing...funny thing is I never really felt loved by him..probabay I was right all along...he'd rather shack up with a girlfriend and not really work on his family....oh well all good, I'll feel better as the days goes on.

Im back on the dating site and have my eye on one guy, so might meet up with him soon..I just want to meet new friends really, not into a relationship..I dont move on that fast..

Ive done the vacumning and washed the floors and my house is tidy, groceries done to I went to Spotlight and got a nice single bed doona cover..hippy like of course for the back cupbourds, Ive got the stereo on them and they are so old and ugly, so that will cover it up well, I cant afford new ones yet so the olds ones it is!

The husband rang this morning and was talking to the kids, I just kept saying I didnt need to talk but M put him on anyway..I was very cool and calm and icey, he wants me to drop them over on my way to work in the Im like.."fine' No worries', sure thing' then I handed the phone to M, I only have to be civil..then I drove past his house and he came out to his balconia, I ignored him...then going to the shops I drove past, didnt need to, but again I looked straight a head and IGNORED him,he was siting out there at this time.. mind you it sent a tear to my eye, but he got the message Im sure, he actually looked a little deflated, maybe its just my wishful thinking.

*sigh* it will get better and I will get stronger..I already am, but I will get stronger still!

1 comment:

  1. Yaa for the loss.
    AS for HIM... come on know what you have to do... stop looking back... move forward and make it as good as it can be without him.
