Sunday, May 16, 2010


no good news this fucking sucked..Im not gunna bother trying anymore, Im destined to be fat I reckon...I eat shit alllll weekend and then feel the guilt..its so pathetic...I even thought of joing ww online helped me once before...what the fuck is it??? I CANT GET INTO THE RIGHT MINDSET???????? FUCK>>FUCK>>>>FUCK IT..


the end.

I piss myself off.


  1. u and i must be on the same wave length at the moment hun, i try, i fail, i try again, etc etc... was even thinking about WW online again myself.. my food has sucked for almost 2 weeks now :(

  2. You KNOW you can do it again. I believe that because I go through the exact same thing and have also followed your journey for a long time. Keep going forward - no beating yourself up!!! x

  3. I don't think you would 'qualify' for WW's .... as you are already in the BMI zone for your height! YOu are not FAT.. you have a wonderful figure. YOU are the only person who thinks it's not gorgeous.

  4. Erica- Im sick of myself!!!lol

    Miss N- nice to see ya again:) I kick my ass on a daily basis!!!:)

    Chris- always positive!! Remember I havent put a photo up for a verrrrrrryyyyy long would be shocked!!!!!!!:)
